Here is the list of best laptop you can buy in India for under Rs. 50,000. However, as times have progressed processor technologies have improved to a point where Intel and AMD can offer a whole lot of power for a whole lot less. With faster SSD based storage and latest generation processors offering more number of cores and higher clock speed, If it’s a great laptop under Rs 50,000 for students, office goers or just homebodies is what you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place. For the money, you wont get high-end gaming-grade hardware and you won’t be able to run heavy apps like photoshop smoothly either, but other than that, you can expect these machines to do almost everything you want.
If you’re a student who needs a laptop under Rs 50,000 for taking notes, making presentations and doing research work, here’s a great curated list for you to sift through. A few of our recommendations might cross the Rs, 50,000 mark by a bit, we have consciously suggested them for the additional value the higher priced models offer in terms of performance and features. With discounts and cash back offers on credit cards, running almost throughout the year on Amazon and Flipkart, you should be able to bring the pricing of most of suggestions.
List of Best Laptops Under 50000
Lenove ideapad slim 3i
Mi notebook 14
Asus vivo book ultra
Lenovo ideapad s145